Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Droppin in and moving on
TV only pacifies so long
The wish of our hearts
One of us gave up on that
or forgot to ask
And the meals are for weather
Running away from
Someone you don't know anymore
Or forgot to try
She swears she would give anything
Just to be held like before
But once you stop fallin
You've dropped further than you could believe.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back From the Dead ( Nope just married )

see what I did there? I made a married joke. You wanna know why, because I can.

Sometimes I worry about things, sometimes they are things that one needs to worry about and before you worry about me, just know that no I do not refer to myself as one but I think that a lot of people do which is weird or it is just a run on sentance. What? And that was a correct short one, or it wasn't who cares? And that was not supposed to be a questions but a statement? Ah crap cut it out! I wasn't yelling. Now I got it right.

Back to worrying, I am worried that the crazy guy I grew up knowing ( being ) is slowly dying off as I become a mature married man. Now all good things must come to an end, I know this to be a saying. But I have found recently that if I am not careful I will not pack as much living into my life as I should if I let myself go that way. God created me to be different, I don't consider myself normal, I don't consider myself in any way except there ain't nobody like me, and I like it that way and you all can get over it ( the fact that i am the way I am that is ).

Whatever, ya'll believe that anyway ( see what I did there? )

Andrew Vik
proxy to the left brain

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Yeah so I met some homeschoolers today at college, typical, big family, smart kids. I guess I am not alone in this world, well i guess i always knew that but it sounded like the right thing to say right there.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Listining to skillet right now, back when they were good, like the hey you I love your soul album. I really like the song Your Love(keeps me alive), Deeper, and More Faithful is one of my favorite songs of all time.

Also I have a mullet right now, and I actually kind of like the look, granted the ladies, well most of them don't dig, but oh well, they always liked me for my personality anyways. But I made a deal and so I will have to cut it here, maybe tomorrow and then I think I am going to go for a different hairstyle like a blast from the past for those of you who knew me in my past, I'm talking preshag marine high and tight.

So it is 3:14 in the A.M. right now and I get kind of lonely at this time of night, nobody else is up really this late. There are a few kids that are up till 2 or something like that but really the hours of 3 to 5 get pretty lonely but I get some good thinking done in that time, not like studying for my psychology test thinking but the other kind of thinking.

Along those lines though now that I am thinking about it I think I might work on my essay questions for Psychology... just kiddin there will be time for that in the 25 min drive from work to school.

I never minded calling You a King If that meant that I could count on You To give me everything I never thought to ask You I always thought You knew It was never my intention to question You. You never minded calling me a child Well, I guess that's how I acted all the while But You live through every tantrum, You see through every lie Though they seem to be more common I just wanted You to know why. You never minded giving us the stars Then showing us how blind and unaware of You we areYou painted me a picture and showed me how to seeThough I just won't behold it Unless it pertains to me... These are some great lyrics about how we can be so self-centered in our attitude towards Christ.

With that.

Andrew Vik
Oranges advocate.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Sleep is the most essential function we as Human's have ( excluding socializatio and water consumption ) in context to our health and mental aptitude. We have all sorts of disorders associated with sleep like sleep apnea, sleep anxiety disorder, narcolyspsy, hypersomnia, and chronic fatigue syndrome which if we are being technical does not always have to do with sleep because no matter if we get 4 or 10 hours you would still be tired but I am going to throw it in there anyways.

With that...

I have found that certain reqriums need to be met ( wait isn't reqrium a catholic mass for a deceased person? Well yes it is, so I apologize for that mis-vocabularity there, but admit it you would not have known that if I had not put this little part in here ) for me to be able to sleep well.

For instance... temperature, I cannot sleep if I am too hot, like all this winter my stupid heater in my loft runs too hot and i wake up in the middle of the night sweating and then cannot get back to sleep. Now this distillation of temperature is all to deisolationed for my deprivation of dormancy and lethargy, and i can't sleep so I have taken to dropping the temperature so that it is cold when I go to sleep and I have found that I sleep very well when it is cold in the room but I am warm under my blanket. Now my torpidity ( sleep for all you non-homeschoolers or while not defined as sleep but uncounsiousness it is a synonym for sleep) it quite important to my functioning and for me to be non-imparied in judgement or my acumen state of acute and apprehensively astue state of mind that we like to describe as counciousness.

Next... Music helps me to sleep and I could almost say that I have become dependent on music for sleep, I always put some music on before I go to bed, usually at a very blantantly blustered cacophonously emphatic fulminating obstreperous raucous resonant resounding sonorously stentorianed tumultously vehement and vociferous level, as such that one time my mom called my apartment and told me to turn down my music at about 2 in the morning, but I missed the call because of the deafening nature of my music. But as I said I like music and I like it loud or very loud at night to get to sleep, and I almost always wake up in the middle of the night to turn the music off without fail. I have had about 6 times this year so far where i woke up and my music was still on which meant that I slept through the night, which is a rare occasion for me. The nature or genre of the music does not seem to have an effect on my sleep but can have an affect on my mood in the morning, I have found that heavy metal or angst music blarred throughout the night produces a worse mood in the morning than say some jazz, or Leo Kotkee 6 and 12 string steel guitar or some Guster or the Spider Man Two Soundtrack or some Rocking Jason Gray, but still I like rock music sometimes and a chourus of smashing pumpkins through the nigth seems to produce a good sleep for me.

Next, not knowing what time it is helps me to sleep, if I look at the clock and realize that i only have a few hours left I almost seem depressed and have a hard time falling back to sleep or in some cases just get to sleep as I stay up very late at least a couple of nights a week. You might say that my sense of self - efficacy is shot after I realize that I have no control over time, so I try to not look at the clock and in this case ignorance is sleep as the old expression goes.

Well that is what I have for now and if you don't understand it ( do you see what is coming? I know I could) then sleep on it.

Andrew Vik
The fascinating prodigiously stunning and suprisingly unbelievably wonderful and marvelous person interested in the Quasi-Psychology of sleep.

Thursday, April 3, 2008


I am a fan of the music. So I assume that I know more music than most of you so I am going to drop a list of awesome songs that you should check out.

Rocky Took a Lover - Bell X1
Keep The Car Running - Arcade Fire
Lazyeye - Silversun Pickups
Firestarter - Jimmy Eat World
Life is Beautiful - Sixx: AM
Oil and Water - Incubus
Hellodrama - What made milwaukee famous
Pink Moon - Nick Drake
Acid Rain - Liquid Tension Experiment
Typical - Mutemath
Suspension - Mae
The Gift - Seether
Hafsol - Sigur Ros
Words - 7 Sharp 9
Invincible - Crossfade
23 - Jimmy Eat World
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New
Jesus Christ - Brand New
Not the Sun - Brand New
Sing Through Me - Jason Gray
Buddy Holly - Weezer
Perfect Situation - Weezer
Head on Collision - New Found Glory
My Friends over You - New Found Glory
Taylor - Jack Johnson
God's gonna cut you down - Johnny Cash
Save Yourself - Stabbing Westward
Dig - Incubus
Take my picture - Filter
He'll take care of the rest - Keith Green
Dear John (letter to the devil ) - Keith Green
Intervention - Arcade Fire
Long Long Time - Guy Forsyth
Beauitiful Night - Burden Brothers
Romeo and Juliet - The Killers
For Nancy - Pete Yorn

I will add another list some time.

Andrew Vik
I make that name look good.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'm 100 miles away son... ready to strike.

Wow I still love that line, but now I got another one two, My quick smells like french toast? Yeah amazing. As you could not tell i spoke that "yeah amazing" as Jim Rome but not Jim Rome Jim Rome but frank calliendo Jim Rome.

Whatever that ment

Anyways I am employed as an assistant manager at the Pizza Ranch in George but I am working at the Rock Rapids pizza ranch tomorrow.

In an effort to make this all as random as possible i may consoledate.

I doubt I just spelled consoledate right.

With that as they might say...

I almost got in a fight tonight with an old guy when i was playing basketball, but like i said it was an old guy and I would have felt bad about fighting with an old guy. And by old I mean he is like 35 or something like that. And I will say however if this were a couple of years ago there probably would have been a fight. But as they say three blind mice or something like that are best made plans.

Next on Agenda... I doubt anybody has read any of this right now which would make this dangerously close to a diary or manly journal. I will save face by inserting some explitives right here - Firehouse - I heard someone say something about an F word and I assumed that is the only thing it could have meant, I was homeschooled after all.

Well I suppose that I am going to be going to bed... alone.... cause that is what good young christian men do... we sleep alone... none of that monkey buisness for us.

Andrew Vik
Quite possibly too sexy for his shirt and spelling.